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WarpVision GUI

Description * FAQ * Reviews * Whatsnew * License * Testimonials

Versione: 20041226

Data: 2005-01-04 00:58:18

Autore dell'applicazione: Netlabs

Votazione (Voti: 34)

1 2 3 4 5
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Queste informazioni sono state inviate da: Eugene Gorbunoff -- 2005-01-04 00:58:18

Translate the description to your language and send via web-form.

WarpVision is an OS/2 video player. Current features:

* Video playback of all of the major formats (DVD, DivX-3, DivX-4, DivX-5, XViD, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, AVI, ASF and Quicktime/Sorenson v1)

* Audio playback of all of the major formats (AC3, PCM, MP3, WMA)

* Hardware-accelerated playback of supported formats (through use of HW EnDIVE driver or WarpOverlay!), with acurate sync for fast & slow CPUs

* Decoding has been optimized through support of enhanced instruction sets (3D-Now!, MMX, MMX2, SSE, MMXEXT)

* DVD options include selection of DVD title, angle, chapter, subtitle language, soundtrack language (even select from multiple instances of the

same language)

* Accelerated fullscreen and windowed playback, as well as the ability to play as a desktop's wallpaper (Out to Desktop function)

* Switchable 4:3/16:9/4:3 with clipped edges (via GUI or hotkeys), option to maintain aspect ratio (during dynamic resize of windows and in

fullscreen mode)

* On-the-fly snap-to (zoom) 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4 and 5:5 through menu or hotkeys

* Media seek via scroll-wheel (including wireless keyboard scrollwheel), hotkeys or GUI slider

* Four-channel and six-channel audio support

* Extensive named pipe control

* Autodetection of colour encoding scheme, auto-conversion between schemes to YUY422 done using enhanced instruction sets

* Tons of postprocessing options

* Skin support (BMP and PNG format)

* Playlist functionality includes support for creation and use of WinAmp playlists, as well as the ability to autoload the last-used playlist on startup

* Saves the last position stopped at during playback, for resuming from that point at a later time

* Displays current position in the playing media, and alternately displays the current local time (in the GUI, when media isn't playing)

* On-the-fly sliders, commandline controls and hotkeys for setting of brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, gamma correction and volume

* Resampling of audio to 44.1kHz or 48kHz, to facilitate support of various audio chipsets

* Ability to easily change thread priority (class and delta)

* Any commandline options set for the WarpVision CLI are stored and used automatically on next execution

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eCo Software was collaborating or is collaborating with the companies:
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