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OS/2 Wish list

2002-10-24 15:06:57 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Steve Wendt]

After three and a half years of neglect on my part, Kris Lake graciously volunteered to update the Warp Wishlist.

This is a list of operating system and application enhancements that current eComStation and OS/2 users believe are worth paying for. By offering potential third-party developers ideas about OS/2 projects they might create, a number of gaps in the library of OS components, middleware, end user applications, and programing tools could be filled.

There are links to OS/2 software which delivers a great many of the requested enhancements either today, or will in the near future! An indication of the status (freeware / shareware / commercial status) is given in many instances. Your help with links and in identifying other OS/2 software that may fulfill the wishes of different readers is greatly appreciated!

eComStation in russian press

2002-10-24 15:01:31 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru, Alex-G]

You can find first publications related to eComStation in russian magazine "World of PC", #10, 2002. Some pages talk about eCS, OS/2 and are supported with screenshots.

eCS Updates

2002-10-16 16:26:54 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Hmm, message is useful for russian readers only.

Russian Printer Pak 30.774 was released, REXX interface for GOST coding library added. Users download updates using e-Novelty application.

1 Million DEMO disks

2002-10-11 14:13:59 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [ecomstation@yahoogroups.com, Kim Cheung]

I know many of you have been waiting for this day and I want you to be the first to know (officially): 75,000 copies of the eComStation demo will hit the street of Germany on October 16th - as part of a DVD insert inside the German version of the PC Magazine.

We have provided them with an ISO track of the eCS demo that's base on the soon to be released eCS 1.1, as well as a eCS VPC container file. On that same DVD, there is a copy of the VPC/Windows demo. The reader can get a key from the Connectix site, and get to see eComStation right away from their Windows desktop. The container version comes with sound enabled. Once they install the VPC/Windows, they can start the eCS demo, and the Flash tour that you see here starts automatically - with sound!

Zero install, zero hazzle way to see eComStation. Now we are busy ramping up the web sites to get ready to accept orders - and to have 1.1 available to ship!

This is it, folks! With luck, I expect to reach 1 million demo CD circulation by the end of 2003.

Our sincere thanks to everybody - and we do mean *everybody* - not just the programmers but mostly importantly, all of the eCS 1.0 customers - for making this possible.

Ich kann das machen!! :=)

Additional software for eCS/Rus 1.1

2002-10-03 17:30:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We collect information about additional software for eCS/Rus 1.1 operating system. Every application or driver will be approved by Serenity Systems!

It's not necessary put all OS/2 software to CDs. We are searching for:

  • system utilities which simplify installation and configuration of OS;
  • applications which demonstrate features of OS/2 platform;
  • drivers and control programs for modern devices.

We collect information but final decision belongs to Serenity.

Warpstock 2002/Europe

2002-09-25 22:21:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Here is a summary of some letters related to Warpstock 2002/Europe. Read common info, view photos and suggestions.

eCS/Rus bugreports

2002-09-25 22:15:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCS/Rus 1.05 is better than native version ;) Nevertheless, we collect bug reports and suggestions related to the product. Here is our e-mail.

Softool in Moscow

2002-09-25 20:27:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Softool is a exhibition in Moscow related to informational technologies.

Microsoft conquested russian market. In this situation, some companies continue development of solutions based on eCS. IPLIT company is working in science area (laser hardware, etc) Some of products are based on eCS system. We collaborate with the company and present eCS/Rus here.

Objects growed by laser and eCS/Rus box in the backgound.

Flyers with description of technologies and eCS/Rus flyer too.

Now we are preparing for full-value presentations of eCS/Rus and solutions based on it.

Public catering

2002-09-18 01:35:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

OS/2 is around. It's "Warped World".

Another example of successful OS/2 usage -- 'EXPERT' - hardware-software complex for public catering (russian text).

Warpstock 2002 Must See presentations

2002-09-18 01:26:05 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [ecomstation.com, Luc Van Bogaert]

At Warpstock 2002 in Austin Texas you can see with your own eyes what many have only heard about. Sorry for the length of this post, but the Warpstock weekend will be packed with exciting things to see and hear about OS/2 and eComStation. Some of the great things expected at our show this year include:

  • Bob St. John of Serenity Systems will be telling us what to expect in eComStation 1.1. In addition they will be giving away copies of the 1.1 beta.
  • Greg Shah of Golden Code Development will be presenting the recently announced OS/2 port of the Java 2 Standard Edition ("J2SE") platform, release 1.4, as well as the ongoing development and support for the the Mozilla Web Browser under OS/2.
  • Greg Shah of Golden Code will be demonstrating a new product called SESAME. This product is the most complete security system ever created for OS/2. It turns OS/2 into a true multi-user system from both a local and remote access perspective.
  • Brian Smith of F/X Communications, will present the new features of the InJoy Firewall and Dialer with an emphasis on crossplatform operability. Demonstrating platform independent management and serving using clients and servers of varying systems, including OS/2, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and MacOS. As well demonstrating some of the new tunnelling and firewalling functionality, using the new GUI.
  • Kendall Bennett of SciTech Software will be showing off Snap Graphics for OS/2 2.0.
  • Connectix will be presenting VirtualPC 5.0 and will have a special show price as well.
  • Richard R. Spurlock & William F. Kershner of Starfire Engineering & Technologies, Inc. will discuss their "Titan Single Logon" package.
  • Jan Van Wijk will be showing off his latest version of Display File Systems (DFSee), a generic partition and filesystem browser/analyser. DFSee supports partition-tables (FDISK, LVM), (V)FAT, FAT-32, HPFS-structures, some NTFS and JFS stuff and it might support different file-systems like EXT2 in the future. This presentation will be an introduction to DFSee : a demonstration of the product's main features, some usage examples and finally a Q&A session.
  • Netlabs will be showing Lookout/2, HW Overlay and much more.

So be sure to come to Warpstock 2002 for the chance to be one of the first to learn the latest information about OS/2 and eComstation. This year, Warpstock is taking place in the home of OS/2 development. Warpstock will take place the weekend of October 5-6, 2002 in Austin, Texas at the Renaissance Austin Hotel. You can find the complete presentation schedule as well as event registration and hotel reservation information at our web site.

Warpstock, Inc., is a North Carolina corporation. The Warpstock annual conference is a gathering of OS/2 users, developers, and vendors from around the world for the purpose of education and advocacy.

More information is available at the Warpstock web site.

Restricted area

2002-09-10 10:43:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.mmdl.ru]

eCSDB.MMDL.Ru published *list* of files located in restricted area of eComStation.Com. This files are available for registered users of eComStation. You can find updates of the operating system, drivers distributed by IBM Software Choice subscription.

eComStation/Rus 1.05 installation

2002-09-08 23:08:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

How to install the operating system? Some useful advices.

Articles mentioning OS/2

2002-09-06 23:28:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Two articles related to OS/2 was found in Internet:

Operating system for your solutions

2002-08-28 21:10:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Short appeal: eComStation as base of your software solutions (russian text).

IBM announces the Q4 (2002) updates

2002-08-26 15:42:38 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Kim Haverblad]

Our intent is to deliver the following features in 4Q2002:

  • An updated version of the IBM Web Browser for OS/2;
  • Support for Web Start Java application deployment technology. We intend to provide Java Web Start for OS/2 based on SUN's Java Web Start version 1.0.1 for Windows. Our plan includes desktop integration functions adapted for differences between Windows and OS/2;
  • An XML Parser for Java applications on OS/2. We intend to provide a XML Parser for Java based on the Xerces version 2.0.1 and Xalan version 2.3.1 Open Source technology from the Apache XML Project;

OS/2 related fixes in Windows 2000 SP3

2002-08-24 18:44:38 -- Oleg N Gololoboff [VOICENWS, Ed Durrant]

The previously released Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Windows 2000 contains fixes related to OS/2 clients and servers.

  1. First fix is Windows 2000 Clients Use Multiple Connections When Mapping Drives to a Single Server. This will hopefully clear up the issue of Win2K clients eating up all workstation connections to a WSeB server. We will investigate this further.
  2. Second fix is Stop 0x00000050 Error Message During Copy from OS/2 Clients. This issue occurs because a request from the client (SMB Move) is not handled correctly.

SP3 is available for download.

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